VIA BARSANTI, 20, 73010, Arnesano, LECCE


GalvoStation is a single channel opto-electronic Laser device designed to perform spatial selective light delivery and collection with OptogeniX Lambda fibers.


GalvoStation allows to confine the light emitted by a Lambda fiber at sub-sites of its active length. The active sub-site can be scanned arbitrarily along the fiber axis within the active length. 

This feature can be exploted to optogentically stimulate different brain regions with depth resolution in order to i) record the photo-induced elctrophysiology signal at different depths with a multielectrode array [REF], or ii) collect the fluorescence signal from different brain regions in a depth-resolved fiber photometry experiment.

Axial resolution of site selective light delivery/collection with Lambda fibers is represented by the sub-site length.

GalvoStation can be equipped with one or two laser sources and optionally include an optical path for combined light delivery and collection with a single probe. Examples of options sets with related applications are listed in the following table.

Laser wavelengths
band [nm]
Application example
405 + 473 500 – 550 GCaMP based spatial selective Fiber Photometry with isosbestic control
473 N/A ChR2 based spatial selective optogenetics
405 + 561 600 – 650 RCaMP based spatial selective Fiber Photometry with isosbestic control

Visit the GalvoStation shop page for an updated list of available options for source wavelength and output power.

Lambda-plus fibers

Lambda-plus fibers are Lambda fibers selected with strict tolerance on both taper length and taper profile for a constant sub-site length among fibers of different batches, and are strongly recommended to GalvoStation and ThetaStation users.
Lambda-plus fiber cannulae are provided to GalvoStation possessors only. Visit the shop page for an updated specs list of Lambda-plus fibers currently available.

TaperScan – GalvoStation control software

TaperScan software is available for full control of the GalvoStation. It allows to select the active sub-site of the Lambda fiber, the operating laser source and its optical power level. Two modes of operation are implemented: manual mode for direct manual control of the spatial selective light emission from a Lambda fiber, and protocol mode, with which it is possible to program both single source (e.g. for Optogenetic stimulation) and dual source (e.g. for Fiber Photometry with isosbestic control) stimulation routines.

Download the GalvoStation user manual and TaperScan user manual for more information.

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